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Freedom Moses
Freedom Moses - Women's Flip-flops - Lagoon - Blue
159,00 zł 229,00 zł
30 days lowest price 159,00 zł
Regular price 229,00 zł
Freedom Moses
Freedom Moses - Women's Flip-flops - Glow - Pink
199,00 zł 229,00 zł
30 days lowest price 199,00 zł
Regular price 229,00 zł
This is a brand whose mission is to bring good vibrations. Freedom Moses flip-flops will soon become synonymous with looseness and letting go. The number of colors and funky patterns is dizzying, as is the smell of milk and honey with which each pair is soaked. You can run in them on the beach, walk in the summer rain, and after the season, take them to the swimming pool or use them at home. Freedom Moses flip-flops are vegan and cruelty-free, and the material from which they are made is recyclable.